Pilates Sydney
Pilates is a fantastic workout that can help rehabilitate muscles, improve tone, and improve posture. It also helps with flexibility, concentration, coordination, and body control. The exercises target deep postural muscles and focus on building muscle strength and rebalancing the body.
Our pilates classes are available for any fitness level. Qualified instructors guide you through the movements, allowing you to strengthen your body and see tone and definition appear.
Pilates Class Timetable At Premier Health & Fitness Sydney
Pilates classes are available three times a week, and several time slots are available to help you find a time that suits your schedule.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
6.00 am
7.00 am
1.00 pm
2.00 pm
6.00 pm
Spacious Main Studio Catered To Pilates Classes In Sydney
Our pilates classes are taught in our main studio. The large room can accommodate over thirty people, giving you room to move through the workout comfortably. Our large studio is ideal for pilates classes and allows you to attend any time slot without worrying about space.
Our spacious studio allows us to offer all our pilates classes without booking a space in advance. You can plan your workouts in advance or attend a last-minute class and find a space to move your body without anyone being in your way.
New To Pilates?
Pilates classes are designed for everyone, regardless of previous experience or fitness level. The classes can also be tailored to accommodate injuries, so you can enjoy Pilates no matter what.
Our classes are taught by a qualified and experienced instructor who can help walk you through the movements, allowing you to move your body through the class safely. The instructors can also help with any modifications, preventing injuries or aggravating previous ones.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I Need To Book Pilates Classes In Advance?
Pilates classes do not need to be booked in advance. Our classes are held in our large main studio, with space for over thirty people. You can decide last minute to attend a class without worrying about there being space for you.
What Are The Benefits Of Pilates?
Pilates has several benefits, including improving your flexibility and posture. Pilates can improve the following:
Your muscle strength and tone
Your balance
Your joints
Your spinal injuries
Your body awareness
Your concentration
Your stress levels
What Other Classes Are Available?
Our main studio offers a variety of classes, including yoga, body pump, meditation, and circuits. Whether you want to stretch and focus on your breath or enjoy a full-body workout, there is a class for you.
Book your tour by filling
in the form or by calling directly.